
Alzueta Gallery Barcelona Sèneca

C/ Sèneca 9-11, Int Bajos
08006 Barcelona

Tel: +34 93 238 97 50

Monday to Friday 09:00 – 14:00 / 16:00 – 19:00

Closed from August 1st to August 25th

+ info
Alzueta Gallery Séneca

Alzueta Gallery Barcelona Turó

C/ Josep Bertrand, 3
08021 Barcelona

Tel: +34 93 404 16 82

Monday to Friday 09:00 – 14:00 / 16:00 – 19:00

Closed from August 1st to August 25th

+ info
Alzueta Gallery Turó

Alzueta Gallery Madrid

C/ Marqués de Monasterio, 1
28004 Madrid

Tel: +34 91 362 99 67

Monday to Friday 09:00 – 14:00 / 16:00 – 19:00

Closed from August 1st to August 25th

+ info
Alzueta Gallery_Madrid

Palau de Casavells

C/ Santa Llúcia, 1
17121 Casavells, Girona

Tel: +34 638 721 553

Open everyday from 11:00 – 14:00 / 17:00 – 20:30

+ info
Palau de Casavells

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